Thursday, July 10, 2008

The separation

My daughters and I are moving 90 miles away from my husband. No separation of the marriage, it's just logistics. It is still too painful to recount the events that led to this in detail, so I'll be brief.

In March, I resigned from my teaching position. A move that was both necessary and welcome, despite the school district's intentions. (A word of advice, don't teach in a small town if you are not a life-long resident of said town). Following the resignation, I applied for many jobs in many towns, but my heart really wasn't in it. I was offered some jobs, rejected from others. Being a music teacher is a pretty narrow niche in the teaching world and there were no openings in the town where we live.

The town where we live is 50 miles away from any large cities and the town itself is undergoing some major problems in the job market. I am overqualified for any job offerings here and the pay is not acceptable, should I have found something that fit.

My husband, around the time of my resignation, was offered a position in management at his company. He took it and is flourishing; I expect big things from him and the job. He got a nice raise, but not enough for me to stay home with the girls.

Fast forward to June, I applied at a large company in my hometown, a suburb of Kansas City. I was contacted for an interview less than 24 hours after submitting my application. Had an interview the following Monday; another two days later. I was told they would be contacting me in one to two weeks. Apparently, they made a decision less than 30 minutes after I left (my mother works there and they shared the news with her, but she was forbidden to clue me in and I can't believe she kept her mouth shut!). So, at 8 am the next day, I was offered a job.

It was the only viable option left for us. It's a great job with TONS of advancement potential, the management there already concedes this in regards to me. So here we are, both with great jobs, but in cities 90 miles apart.

I'll be taking the girls to live with my parents during the week. Mike will be remaining in our home and we'll be together on the weekends. I've got some issues about this, a lot of fears for our family, but I pray we can work through them and emerge in a better place, when we make some real decisions about our future.


thisismamashouse said...

I know it seems hard, but truthfully, you are not the first family I have known personally to have this arrangement due to working issues.

Look at it this way...when Matt is working during football season, he doesn't get home until after the kids are in bed. So he doesn't see them at all until Saturday, and only gets Sunday morning with them before he has to go back for coaches meeting that afternoon. So, it's essentially the same thing, and my kids do fine with it.

I'll be checking for updates. Hugs :)